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Interface IClientOptions

RPC Client options

Note - The options inherited from WebSocket.IClientOptions are only valid when running in node.js, they have no effect in the browser.


  • ClientOptions
    • IClientOptions



Optional agent

agent: http.Agent

Optional autoConnect

autoConnect: undefined | false | true

Whether to connect when Client instance is created. Default = true.

Optional backoff

backoff: undefined | function

Retry backoff function, returns milliseconds. Default = defaultBackoff.

Optional ca

ca: CertMeta

Optional cert

cert: CertMeta

Optional ciphers

ciphers: undefined | string

Optional eventTypes

eventTypes: undefined | object

Event names to protobuf types, any event assigned a type will have its payload decoded before the event is posted.

Optional family

family: undefined | number

Optional handshakeTimeout

handshakeTimeout: undefined | number

Optional headers

headers: undefined | object

Optional host

host: undefined | string

Optional key

key: CertMeta

Optional localAddress

localAddress: undefined | string

Optional maxPayload

maxPayload: undefined | number

Optional origin

origin: undefined | string

Optional passphrase

passphrase: undefined | string

Optional perMessageDeflate

perMessageDeflate: boolean | PerMessageDeflateOptions

Optional pfx

pfx: string | Buffer

Optional protocol

protocol: undefined | string

Optional protocolVersion

protocolVersion: undefined | number

Optional rejectUnauthorized

rejectUnauthorized: undefined | false | true

Optional sendTimeout

sendTimeout: undefined | number

How long in milliseconds before a message times out, set to 0 to disable. Default = 5 * 1000.


Optional checkServerIdentity

  • checkServerIdentity(servername: string, cert: CertMeta): boolean
  • Parameters

    • servername: string
    • cert: CertMeta

    Returns boolean

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